Ethical Outfit of the Day: Boho meets Hippie

 Dress by Abask Clothing-I repeatedly saw Abask Clothing being mentioned by ethical fashion bloggers on Instagram. As I checked out the brand they happend to have a ongoing SALE so I couldn't resist. I got two different dresses and one of them is this beautful red one with its wide sleeves (currently still on sale for 40 pounds!). But honestly I loved all of their dresses and could have gotten them all. As they resent mass production their pieces have limited availability which makes them even more so special. I love that with this dress I support fair labour of local communities whose health is protected by not dying clothes with harsh chemicals but natural vegetable colors only. Check out their beautiful online store here. Follwing are some impressions of the outfit:   I hope you liked this sort of post, tell me in the comments!Have a nice day you all!xxxNina*Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post and I bought all the visible items with my own money


First Impression of the GreenEcoBox (Unboxing live on Camera)


My monthly Fair Fashion Picks