Why you should learn another language

Ever thought about learning a new language but something is holding you back? You're not quite sure what for and if it's worth investing your time? In this blogpost I hope to give you more than enough reasons to start learning a new language and hope to make your doubts go away! So read on...

  • It's going to give your CV a boost

Future employers will value employees with additional language skills. For one things it a useful extra you offer because you might actually come to use those skills in your job unexpectedly. Also knowing a second language shows  your (future) employer that you got the determination it takes to learn a foreign language. Everyone who has inteded to learn a new language before knows how much self-discipline it takes to keep on going. So being billingual will help you stand out more and make them opt for you instead of your competitor in a run for a job.

  • It a great conversation starter

Many times it has happend to me that I eavesdropped on people talking in a foreign language and when they came to order from me at the cafe, they were positively surprised when I answered them in their language. This always makes a good conversation starter and instantly makes people smile. So it's nice to see how many good conversations I got started like that and how new connections were opened up. Languages are here to connect people which is why they are so valuable.

  • It makes it easier to travel

Not all the countries have signs in English or people that are able to explain the information in English to you. So knowing at least some basics of the local language will already get you way further than if you wouldn't. You can ask for directions, information of bus schedules, opening hours etc. without much hassle. So take that little extra effort it takes and learn at least some basics before you go somewhere.

  • You will be able to connect more with locals

Also, knowing the language of your holiday destination will allow you to connect with people you otherwise wouldn't. Especially the older generations aren't always able to talk English. So besides the advantage of asking for information in the local language, knowing a foreign language is a great way to learn more about the people and their culture. And you don't need to master the art of language perfectly as mostly people are already very pleased when they see that you at least make the effort to communicate with them in their native language. I also feel like it makes me seem less of an "intruder" to their culture and that they meet me in a more welcoming way too when I speak to them in their language.

  • The more languages you know the easier it gets to learn another one

For real. I've started with French and English in school and have to say that especially French comes in very handy in learning other roman languages such as Spanish as they have many similar words. Then again when you know some Spanish, Italian will be not too hard to learn because there are many parallels too. So you can basically say that learning languages gets easier with every additional language you learn or that's what it seems like at least. Maybe it's also because you learn what techniques work best when studying another language why it becomes easier with every language you learn.

  • It will make you smarter

And it will not only make you seem smarter. Learning another language will actually help you train your brain cells and synapses and stay mentally fit. Also, studying a language is said to forecome age-related deseases such as Alzheimer. So what are you still waiting for? Get your hands on the Rosetta Stone!

  • It's a great goal to reach 

Don't we all have a secret list of things we want to do or achieve? And I tell you what. Learning a language is an awesome goal you can set for yourself. I already provided some reasons why you should learn a new language but there are plenty of other reasons left. Unlike other things you've set your mind to, this goal will give you the motivation to keep you going as it is actually something very useful and that will make you feel very accomplished. Also as you progress you will notice that it will give you back so much in return and that it was well worth the effort and partial struggle along the way.

  • It will change your view on the world

Languages break down barriers and destroy close-mindedness-it's as simple as that. This is because learning a new language will force you to peek out of your little mousehole and inevitably makes you get a wider view on the world. Because studying another language also means learning about another culture as most language books will also introduce you to the respective ways of living in that culture. So alltogether a new language makes you a more open-minded and tolerant person and helps towards better intercultural understanding. I hope I was able to convince some of you of take the step and dive into the adventure of learning a new language. In another blogpost I want to provide you with some tipps of the best ways to learn a new language, so stay tuned!xxxthe_escapedstudent 


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