How NOT to hit on girls on Tinder

1. TMI’ itI usually encourage openness and honesty but guys sometimes you just give too much away too fast. Things I didn’t want to know within the first 3 seconds of “meeting” you. I know it’s Tinder and superficial but that doesn’t mean that you have to write me a novel about your sexual preferences in the first lines of talking. First of all, only because I swiped right, still doesn’t mean that I’m that much into you. A picture doesn’t always speak for itself, so one needs to establish a conversation in order to get the ball rolling and getting a feeling of how the other person works. Before establishing a common frame of reference I don’t want you to give it all away, it’s rather intimidating than anything else. So please start easy without going ALL IN.2. Dig out the oddest and most tasteless pick-up linesMaybe sometimes a simple “hello, how are you” would just do the job and there is no need of showing off your odd pick-up lines. To be honest I don’t know at what point in history men came to believe that women would appreciate odd pick-up lines. Most of them are so corny and ridiculous that it will rather result in the opposite reaction as intended, resulting in the girl turning her back on you. So just DON’T USE THEM. I speak for all women, belive me.3. Insult the girlFor most people it’s quite clear that it’s probably not the best flriting startegy to insult someone. First of all, how does it even come to your mind insulting someone you hardly even know? Second of all, did I ask you for your opinion? So no, if you don’t like my picture don’t tell it right into my face because why the hell did you swipe right then? And what do you expect from it, do you think I will change the photo just for you (my stubernness will rather lead me to do the opposite) . Some guys just haven’t figured it out yet, but insulting is NEVER the way to go, I tell you right away. Don’t confuse it with teasing though, as teasing can be quite cute when you want to take the flirting game to the next step. But if you struggle with knowing the limit of tactfulness already, better leave this tactic for the advanced flirters.4. Lie right into her face Ok, so I have experienced it that guys tell me something and when they realize that I didn’t pick it up as intended (aka feeling insulted) they say it was a joke only to tell me later that it wasn't a joke and that way confuse me even more. So, what am I supposed to believe? I don’t expect you to always say the right thing, but when you claim something please stick to it and don't make use of these odd self-defense techniques. Otherwise your overall credibility will suffer if you repeatedy do this.5. Copy paste a long ode of love and send it to all of your matchesYes, also this one I see is very common. Not only is it a bit creepy that only after seeing one picture of me you think I’m “the one” (also then I have to assume that your selection standards are rather superficial) but also it makes me feel in no way special because it's easy detecable that most of the time these are generalized messages you might not even have written yourself. These suspicions are only the more confirmed when you tell me that “you don’t write this to every girl”- yeayeah of course and did I already tell you that Mike Tyson is my dad? Come on guys, get better at lying.6. One word opening “lines” are the way to goNo-most certainly one word isn’t enough to get her attention either. While sending a long love letter isn’t the way to go I should also probably mention that the opposite isn’t the proper manner either. Your chances of getting a proper response will decrease largely and I tell you why. If you only write “hey” or even worse just “hi” it tells a girl that she's not worth the effort to you. This doesn’t mean that you should write a poem or novel (as mentioned previously) but adding a simple question can change the whole game: “hey, how are you?”. Not only will get this the conversation started most of the time but its also a small gesture of showing a bit more interest (and it doesn't matter if you in reality aren't even interested in hearing the answer but the fact that you asked is already half of the deal). Anyone who understands a little psychology knows that people are more inclined to respond when confronted with a question, so just make use of that science ;)


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