Staycation: Why it's ok to stay home and not go on vacation

It’s summertime-Yes, I think we’ve all got that by now. While most of us are battling the heat, it doesn’t stop us from melting away somewhere on the beach or lining up for that tourist attraction. Because it’s THE time of the year where everyone goes on vacation. At least this is how it seems. Sitting in my grandparents backyard scrolling through my Instagram feed got me thinking. I see all those vacation pictures, everyone having the time of their life (apparently). But what about the ones who stay at home? Those who for one reason or the other don’t go on holiday? I think one can easily get a bit depressed when looking at the adventures of other people. So while everyone is bragging about their holiday I thought I take this as a chance to write about staying at home-STAYCATION. Because I think it's important to say  that it's totally fine to NOT go on vacation. Travelling has almost become like an invasion in the recent years and it bothers me to see that it seems like we take it for granted. There also seem to be more pressure on people to go travel. People are seeming to make a competition from it by counting the countries they've already visited. While I'm not pointing fingers at anyone and as much as I love travelling myself, I just want to say this: Stop comparing yourself to others and make the best of what you've got. I know this is easier than it sounds.You think you have to go miles away to have an enjoyable summer? Nope. Maybe you just need to open your eyes and embrace what’s in front of you. There are surprisingly many advantages to staying home too: 

  • You can use the time to get a summer job

If you’re not working already you might want to start looking into summer jobs to earn some extra cash. I know myself that it can be hard working while everyone else is enjoying their lazy days off, but try to see it fromthe positive side. All the money you make gives you more financial freedom and the possibility to save up for a future trip. So while everyone is coming back broke from their vacation having severe post-holiday blues, you will be planning your next trip with excitement ;) 

  • Get to know your home country better

What most of us often don’t realize is that beautiful things are closer than we think. There are probably so many places around you that you haven’t seen yet. So, take this staycation as a chance to be a tourist in your own country. You will learn to appreciate even more the place you live in and become a local expert (maybe you even can sign yourself up as a part-time tourist guide and earn some extra ;P?). 

  • It’s eco-friendly

There is no eco-friendlier way of spending your holiday than staying at home. Especially when you’re a frequent flyer it will be good to give it a break every once in a while. Instead switch to a bus or train to explore nearby places without leaving a big footprint on the environment. Especially, as we have already used up all our natural resources for this year as of 1stof August it’s important that we all take a step back and be aware of the impact we make. 

  • It will save you money

As long as you don’t decide to eat out every day of the week and do other expensive things you will save money during your staycation. Instead of splurging your money on all these short stays abroad you could actually save up for a bigger journey or something else that you’ve alwalys been dreaming of. Anticipation is a great feeling, so start saving now. 

  • It gives you time to truly relax and find back to yourself

Often I hear people say (me included) that they could need a holiday after a holiday. Especially city trips or outdoor trips, as fun as they may be, can be extremely exhausting. Holidays are made to relax and recharge your batteries. So staying at home will give you the ideal opportunity to just chill for once and find inner peace. 

  • You can finally start working on a project

You always wanted to redecorate your room but you never had time for it? Or learn a new language? Dedicating yourself to a healthier lifestyle? Now is the time to start! Being on holiday probably isn't the pefect outset for starting a new project or diet. But when you're at home you got the time and place, so no excuses! See it as a chance to finally do the things you've always wanted to do! Don't hesitate and start now! So I tried to keep this short as I've found my other articles are rather long. I hope you enjoyed this little ode to the staycation and maybe even got a bit inspired.I would love to hear your opinion in the comments. Do you stay home or are you planning to go on holiday?xxxthe_escapedstudent  


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